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How Did Mary’s Garden Grow?

Garden Failure

Am I the only one out there that had a horrible garden this year? The whole thing was a complete failure! A flop! A disaster!

We go all out with our garden. Appropriate rows are plastic covered. All rows have a drip tape irrigation system. Cover crops get planted in the fall. We fertilize regularly. It always looks picture perfect come planting time. Yet, everything was horrid!

Out of 200 tomato plants we were left with 15 after all the spring hail and rains. We planted 100, got hit with hail and lost them all. Replanted 100 and got hit with hail again! Then there were 20!  What was left produced very sad-looking fruit. Jett Stars that looked and felt like hard packed hot-house tomatoes. So depressing. I didn’t even attempt to can any.

Planted a row of sweet corn. We had high quality seed we got from Wayne but you never would have known. The biggest “ear” of corn was as big around as the base of my thumb. The stalks were a pretty green but no bigger around than a piece of rebar.

Let’s not forget the onions, or not onions I should say. I have no clue what happened. The did absolutely nothing! A few of the starts rotted but most showed no change at all. How does that even happen?! Hopefully soil testing will have the answers.

Gardening is costly, time-consuming, and back-breaking and I love it! This year was depressing but I’m excited to get prepared and have a great garden next year!

How did your garden grow?Mary's garden tomatoes 2017


My 2017 tomatoes