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Shipping Protection!

We know out product isn’t cheap and neither is shipping. Therefore, Koehn Family Produce has integrated the Route shipping insurance option on the checkout page. For $0.98 per order under $100.00 your jams are insured from the time it leaves the jam house until it’s literally in your hands. This covers everything from rough handling to theft from your front porch. Once you have purchased the insurance ( toggle the switch on the checkout page), Route sends you an email so you can track your order in real time. If anything happens, you can request an immediate refund or have your order sent again without hassle. Please visit for more information.

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Shipping Charges

ShippingBlackberry Hill Farms Jams

Shipping is the one cost no one wants to pay, especially me. Often times, it adds to the cost of an already pricy item. So, in order to get the most for your money I’m going to explain how our shipping works and why.

How it Works…..

We charge a flat rate per order. Meaning that buying 6 jars will cost you the same in shipping as buying 12 jars. Therefore, a 6 jar order will cost a total of $47.50. That’s $7.92 per jar. A 12 jar order will cost $79.00. That’s $6.58 per jar. That’s $1.34 per jar difference.


Why it works this way has a lot to do with weight. Jam is heavy.  Weight is a big factor when determining shipping costs. When items are shipped they are put into weight classifications. A 6 jar jam order happens to be in the same weight classification as a 12 jar order. Therefore, it’s more cost-effective to buy 12 jars.

This Ain’t No Smucker’s…….

Blackberry Hill is a line of artisan products like no other. It’s all done by hand with all natural products. Anything that can be grown by the Mazelin family, is grown by the Mazelin family. All other ingredients are carefully outsourced to ensure that the highest quality is consistent. The end product is amazingly delicious and all natural!

To help ease the blow of costs we have recently added a PayPal Credit button. Once approved, it allows payment over time. Large orders ($99.00 and over) are split into monthly payments. Orders under $99.00 are given 25 days to pay.